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Trip to lake
Como, Italy Pt.2:
The fastest way to travel by train from Milan Centrale to Bellagio (Varenna) with map and info.
from Milano Centrale Railway Station to Varenna
take only 64 minutes, depending on the train.
to Varenna usually have as their final destination SONDRIO or TIRANO.
Most of
the trains stop to Monza,
continue to Lecco and Varenna Esino.
If you
wish to visit Bellagio it is faster to follow this route.
the train to Como and then continuing to Bellagio
might take more than double
the time.
trip from Varenna to Bellagio is about 15 minutes long.
See our
On the
way to Varenna, prefer to sit on the left side of the train
so you
can have a better look at lake Como.
Driving the 73 Km
distance will usually take you more time (75-90 min)
than the train
speeding at about 130 Km/hour.
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